Life Transitions
Change happens to all of us – leaving high school to go to college or work, new jobs, getting married, having children, children leaving home. These times can be awkward emotional spaces, like leaping from cliff to cliff, where we have to cut ties with what we know and have not quite settled into what is new. The change itself can take a single moment, but we have to adapt to a new way of life and this is the transition.
Whatever the circumstances, navigating this gray zone can be difficult, presenting us with new problems and demanding us to respond in new ways. My hope is to be a support in planning what you will need in order to successfully transition and/or to assist you through it. We will discuss any challenges you may be experiencing and create a plan of action in areas where you feel you are struggling. Having a place where you can discuss what is happening, connect with your feelings (both negative and positive), and support you to navigate this time of transition.